" My space is small with enough room to fill with garden delights*. Say it with flowers" ~lcd

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Floral Fun

Navigating, exploring and playing with my photobucket; I came up with these scrapbook collage for fun. So far, I am not satisfied yet with my effort as I am only doing this on trial and error scale. Here's the three I created long ago.

Scrapblog,Scrapblog,Scrapblog,Scrapbook,Scrapbook,Scrapbook,Spring Flowers,Spring Flowers,Spring Flowers

Scrapblog,Scrapblog,Scrapblog,Scrapbook,Scrapbook,Scrapbook,Spring Flowers,Spring Flowers,Spring Flowers

Scrapblog,Scrapblog,Scrapblog,Scrapbook,Scrapbook,Scrapbook,Spring Flowers,Spring Flowers,Spring Flowers

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