" My space is small with enough room to fill with garden delights*. Say it with flowers" ~lcd

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Red Vine for Today's Flower November 2009

It's My Number 13th

Kudos to the Blog Creator, Luis Santilli Jr and Team!

Today's Flowers is on offer as florally created by Luis Santilli Jr. It's time to visit Today's Flowers and smell those sweet scented delights. TF Team on Board:Santilli - Denise - Pupo - Valkyrien


I took these photos from my friend Jacqui's backyard two years ago. There was this trellis attached to the fence that served as a barrier to give cover to a cute shed as a detached laundry room with utmost privacy.

This vine beautifully climbs to the trellis having broad green thick leaves that blooms in scarcity. The redness of which is bright yet soft and the closed stamens flash like a little incandescent bulbs. Jacqui was not home at the time I took these photos and for some reason, it did not occur to me to ask her the name of this floral vine.

I tried searching for this flower via google to no avail. I am not sure if this is local or imported vine but it was the first time I saw this kind. The petals of the flower alone made me think of Tinker Bell and Peter Pan as my imagination went far to Neverland.



For myself I hold no preferences among flowers, so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous. Bricks to all greenhouses! Black thumb and cutworm to the potted plant! ~Edward Abbey


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Imported Today's Flowers from Karaka Tree Motel

My 11th Entry

Thank you Luis Santilli Jr for creating Today's Flowers for us and your Team! Thank You Very Much!!!

To all the gardeners, horticulturists, and flower enthusiasts let's give Today's Flowers a big Hurray! It's time to visit Today's Flowers
and smell those sweet scented delights. TF Team on Board: Santilli - Denise - Pupo - Valkyrien

I will be the gladdest thing
Under the sun!
I will touch a hundred flowers
And not pick one.
~Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Afternoon on a Hill"

When I saw these orchids first time, I said to the owner, "are those orchids real?" Roger, the husband of Ann, replied, "yes, they are real."

"Well, they look plastic to me!" So I went near to touch it and they were real indeed! And Roger laughed. I took a close up or macro shot, but there's internal error that it can't be uploaded. So I hope this shot will do.

A bonus of beautiful clusters of Azaleas.

I don't know the name of these flowers. I just took it outside the Karaka Tree Motel where we stayed in Taupo, New Zealand recently.

Check out the link for more interesting read and pictures.
